5 Ways to Make Your Home Great When You’re Retired

Written by  //  October 2, 2017  //  Home Remodeling  //  Comments Off on 5 Ways to Make Your Home Great When You’re Retired

A home is considered the best and wisest investment any person can make during their lifetime. Buying a house guarantees you with security of a place to live well into your retirement age. Recent studies show that a large number of people are likely to remain in their current residences when they retire. Changing your home to properly adapt to all your retirement needs takes time. It is advisable to start early when you have the energy and income for the project. Here are five ways to enjoy your retirement in a great-looking home.

1. Begin with the Easy Fixes

As you prepare your home to become easier to live in as you get older, it is advisable to start with the easy fixes. You can start by raising the electrical outlets in the house thereby making them more accessible. You can also focus on swapping your door knobs for lever handles and invest in better lighting for your outdoors. These fixes may seem small or easy, but they make a huge difference to your home.

2. Switching Crucial Rooms to the Ground Floor

In order to make your home livable well into your retirement age, you should consider carrying out extensive renovations. This will include switching some rooms in the house to the first floor. These rooms will include your master suite bedroom or laundry room in order to avoid going up and down the stairs. You can invest in a step-in shower and ensure that all entrance ways are adequately covered to eliminate falls and accidents. However, as you change the bedrooms, ensure that you put them in areas that are less susceptible to noises from either inside or outside the home.

3. Making the Home Cozy

As you get older, your body will become more sensitive to any temperature changes. This will necessitate some adjustments that will make your house warmer at night and during the cold season as well as cool in the daytime. You can consider investing in remote-controlled fireplaces and heated floors to be warming the house to a suitable temperature in the future. You can invest in quality insulation, double-pane windows and weather stripping your home in order to maintain a suitable environment inside. Installing fans in all rooms would be a great idea in order to make the house cool during the hotter months. To make regulating temperature even easier for you, you might consider finding a company like AMP Security to automate your home for you.

4. Redesigning the Kitchen

People spend a considerable amount of time in the kitchen, and this makes it an essential place to redesign in readiness for retirement. The cabinets should not be placed so high that reaching them will require a stool, which can lead to falls. The drawers should not be too deep that they will force you to bend in order to see their contents. Proper lighting and ventilation in the kitchen will be a big plus. The counter tops have to be placed in an area that is neither too low nor too high.

5. Opening the Floor Plan

Opening your floor plan is another brilliant idea that you can consider in order to make your home retirement-friendly. You can remove the inessential walls in your home like the kitchen, entry halls, family room and in your living space thus allowing for a more comfortable and modern feel. This will remove obstacles and make it easier for you to navigate your home during your senior years. Executing the open floor plan is not easy as the process is costly, but it saves you a lot of time, energy and stress in the long run.

Final Words

Working around your home early in preparation for your impending retirement is an important step. This will guarantee you of living comfortably in later years of your life as a senior. Following all the above ways will make your home great when you retire.

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