Most Common Heavy Equipment for the Worksite

Written by  //  February 24, 2023  //  Construction Equipment  //  Comments Off on Most Common Heavy Equipment for the Worksite

Most Common Heavy Equipment for the Worksite

Heavy equipment is commonplace on most worksites. Companies will have a number of different vehicles available for projects that are capable of lifting, pushing, and moving loads as needed.

Here is the most common heavy equipment for the worksite that you should be aware of when starting projects.


Bulldozers are heavy machines designed to push large volumes of dirt and other materials using a metal plate, called a blade, attached to the front. Initially used for plowing fields, bulldozers are capable of moving, digging, and leveling all different types of soil.

Today, crews generally use bulldozers to clear wreckage from worksites and roads. Due to their traction and reliability, they’re helpful in forestry, mining, and construction.

Skid Steers

Skid steers are compact heavy vehicles that derive their name from how they move. Rather than steering using turning wheels, or tracks, one side of the vehicle slows down, allowing the other to turn or skid into the desired position.

Although most use a bucket for digging and hauling dirt, you can equip skid steers with various other attachments, such as forks, augers, and tillers, according to your needs. Following a few quick tips for maintaining your skid steer will ensure yours lasts as long as possible.

Backhoes and Excavators

Backhoes are large crane-like attachments used with tractors and other heavy vehicles for big digging projects. Although usually equipped with a metal bucket for excavating and moving large volumes of material, backhoes are common in farming due to their versatility and agility.

Like backhoes, excavators can move large volumes of dirt but can prove effective on large industrial or construction sites. Excavators are usually single vehicles that are appropriately weighted on one end to avoid tipping over due to large loads.

Dump Trucks

There’s no better option than a dump truck for moving large amounts of material on or off a construction site. Capable of handling even the roughest dirt and debris, dump trucks have a hinged door on the back that allows them to raise the bed and quickly offload whatever they’re carrying.

Dump trucks can be employed by large job sites to carry or store loose cargo or equipment. Gravel, sand, and waste are just a few things that these pieces of heavy equipment can haul.

It’s All About Having the Right Equipment for the Job

While every worksite has issues, crews can solve them with access to the right heavy equipment. Knowing which tools to use in each situation will allow crew leaders to make better decisions, save time, and reduce costs.

With the most common heavy equipment for the worksite on hand, there’s no project your team won’t be able to complete.

Image Credit: Adobe royalty-free stock image: 35194201

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