How To Increase the Amount of Natural Light in Your Home

Written by  //  February 19, 2021  //  Windows  //  Comments Off on How To Increase the Amount of Natural Light in Your Home

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Since the sun is not on our side in the winter, you might struggle to get your daily doses of vitamins and sunrays. If frigid air has hit your neck of the woods, you might not be willing to go outside for a couple of months. In that case, it is more important than ever to know how to increase the amount of natural light in your home. You don’t have to spend the winter—or all your indoor time—in the dark.

Benefit From Natural Light in the Home

Natural light can boost your mood and regulate systems in your body. It increases your body’s production of endorphins, serotonin, red blood cells, and vitamins B and D. Sunlight boosts your energy and immune system while improving circulation. Due to these factors, natural light can also help you sleep better at night.

Put Huge Windows in Your Home

The best way to get more light into a room is to let it in. Install large windows, skylights, solar tubes, and patio doors to allow in as much natural light as possible. Modern windows come with a minimal framework so you can enjoy your views and benefit from natural sunlight. Once you have them, learn how to keep your glass windows clean to maximize their full potential.

  • Pro Tip:

    Cover your eaves or paint them a light color—like white—to get even more natural light in your home. Eaves are the bottoms of the overhangs created by your roof, and while they may protect your window, they can also hinder it from getting sunlight.

Add Natural Light with Reflective Surfaces

  • Hang a Mirror Wall

    Many already know that hanging a giant mirror tricks the eye into thinking a space has more elbow room. If you hang the mirror across from a large window, you can double your windows, therefore increasing the amount of natural light in your home. Experiment with the placement of other reflective decorations in your home to bring in more sunlight.

  • Install Glass Block Walls

    Installing glass block walls is another way to put reflective surfaces in your home. You can choose this retro design for any room in your house, though it is most common in bathrooms and kitchens. Use glass blocks for internal and external design. Externally, they offer translucent access to natural light, while internally, they reflect and soften the light.

Paint for Natural Light

Keep natural light in mind when choosing a color palette for your living spaces. Though lighter colors reflect light while darker ones absorb it, you can still use both shades. The general rule is to paint your ceilings a lighter color than your walls to make the space seem larger and brighter. You can also choose shiny paint that will reflect light and give your rooms a natural glow.

Choose Floors for Natural Light

Floors are often the last thing we think about when it comes to renovating the home. Whether or not you realize it, your floors are an extraordinary source of reflective light. Replace carpet with hardwood, ceramic, or stone for a shiny appearance.

Whether it’s big changes or simple switches, you can find all sorts of ways to increase the amount of natural light in your home. From floor to ceiling and window to wall, the options are endless. Find what fits your style and budget and start opening up your space to natural light so you can enjoy the benefits of sunlight wherever you go.

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